Staging Idea

Sketch of my staging idea, it is rough sketch however there will be more pictures to follow
Sketch of my staging idea, it is rough sketch however there will be more pictures to follow

This picture depicts my ideal staging. It’s rather simple, but it’s how I like it.

The idea behind a grid system was from when I was researching about those with OCD and Asperger’s and I discovered that it’s very hard for those with OCD to step on cracks, particularly those in the street. So I thought “Why not have my entire stage as a grid system with lines creating boxes and those lines having a representation of cracks in the street?”

I would make the grid system out of red electric tape for two reasons:

  1. Red is my characters favourite colour
  2. Electric tape is relatively cheap and is easy to get up off the studios floor.

I should also note that I had this idea before researching about The Curious Incident and its West End production. The West End show staging does have a kind of grid on it, however I believe this is because the staging idea behind it was that it was supposed to be inside Christopher’s mind:


An example of the stage design from the West End show.
An example of the stage design from the West End show.

A more detailed picture would show the staging is in fact similar to graph paper, there a smaller squares within the squares. This works very well for the kind of mind that Christopher has, however, in my case, I only want grids to represent cracks in the street (for now).

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